Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Originally this was gonna be a blog post about some really interesting subject like depression or optimism or which cheeses go best with mature coke. But I was on the internets earlier(always a bad start), and I came across a bit of a problem.

People argue about things that are based on opinions formed by incorrect information.

That is, people are misinformed, and then they go on the internet, and vent. And when they vent, they inherently frustrate someone else, which means that everyone argues, and we are left with something like this:

What this video shows is that the internet is filled not only with idiots, but idiots who don’t know when they are wrong. Also, said idiots have learnt very bad grammar. Now this poses the question, what shall we do with these festoons of the internet? Or how should we rehabilitate them?

To be perfectly honest, there has always been a massive section of society I feel, have no real use. These people should be disposed of, preferably from a high height, onto spikes.

Perhaps what we should really be doing is using message boards to send out educational messages of love or harmony. Rather than arguing about things that we know nothing about, we should have a crack team of super, nay, UBER nerds who surf the internet constantly commenting and addressing the inaccuracies of the internet. In this way, we can control the internet, and gain back a portion of society.

And then the bastards can start to pay their taxes.

The reason I got angry about the internet in this way was cos of a song that Leona Lewis is releasing. Basically, it is a cover of Hurt originally by Nine Inch Nails.
Here’s a link:

Now I like this song. In the kind of way I like toast. It’s alright, but I won’t wax lyrically about it like it’s the best thing ever. Neither will I dismiss it as a terrible piece of pop, cos, to be frank, Leona has an awesome voice and it rings of depth, if not pain and misery.

The things that are annoying me, are people firstly, stating that Johnny Cash wrote it. It was of course written by the awesome Trent Reznor, of Nine Inch Nails. To some extent that is the definitive record I guess. The thing is, if you scroll anywhere on the internet, you find fudgetards, of the sole opinion that that is not the case. This is where we, the normal minded people, need the power of the UberNerd. The UberNerd would be respected enough that he decides the winner in a comment post argument, he is the end of the argument, he is the law.

The other thing that annoys me is that people, including the “great”, NME magazine, are stating that the record has more in common with Johnny Cash’s 2002 version of the song. Ok so you can compare them all, here’s the original songs:

Listening to the 3 versions together, common sense would dictate that there is only one answer. The internet is blinded by love for the late great Man in Black. They refuse to acknowledge that Leona ‘X factor’, Lewis, could have anything to do with a song about suicide and drug abuse.

The reality of it is, from a technical point of view the NIN version is just like Leona’s. It maintains the off key 4th note in the hook, the piano paints a beautiful picture. The key factor more than anything is that the chorus resembles this image of triumphant love rising above it, in all its tragic majesty. It moves you and the crowd, it makes you feel warm and gives you hope. It is very much about this person being the only good thing about this persons life.

If we take a look at J. Cash’s version, it is more than anything a tribute to those who have stood there with him. It doesn’t build to much, all it is, is him and his voice and that piano. The piano is the backbone, maintaining that that one person, in this case his late wife June Carter Cash, is the one who kept him to his point. This is no triumphant release, he is albeit as humble about his life as he is reflective. The final note, that he as a person would not change a thing if he could go back, is the real crux of the song. The track abruptly ends, and we are left with an old mans memories.

Honestly I can’t see how you can really draw comparison between the three records in such a way. I have been rambling for a good while I think, but to be honest, I love the song, it is one of my favourite tracks of all time. Also, the video for it is one of the finest musical montages I have ever seen, and it gives me shivers every time I watch it.

OK, I’m done now.
Might not update this for a while, gotta work on a concept project that I thought of.
That said I might write another tomorrow.
Go cuddle some kittens
Peace out J