where did that word come from? I mean its hardly derived from something or a by product of something else is it?
Anyways down to business. this is my first blog in about 3 years so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right any more. I mean back in the days it used to be about opinion but right now i guess i should probably refer to farmville or something? or maybe i should be out shankling someone or something, as a functioning member of society.
or, maybe i should be studying.
whatever. i think im going to go by what i know
right now, im sitting on my bed. and im not happy.
right now im not happy because a question has re emerged from the fragments of my memories. this question i first asked several years ago, only to forget it in a drug addled rage. it is such a question that scientists from all the worlds leading institutes have ignored it. that is,
"Why is there a Drum solo in Englishman in New York by Sting"
for those who dont know, I'm putting a link, for this rather excellent song, drum solo aside.
let me spell this song out, cos it is an awesome song. Though not exactly Stings usual style, its a bit jazzy with a nice clarinet riff going through it. It has a characteristic plucking of a harp constantly, and a piano layered over that. The second chorus leads into a little clarinet solo, and there it is. A fricking ten second long drum solo.
Why is it there?
I mean why? you could've put a reference to movies featuring Humphrey Bogart and that would make more sense.
You could have had the song just go on the way it does after that bit, in that it practically ends.
It just doesn't belong.
Now you may be thinking that I'm making an awful big fuss about this, but i think I know why sting has done this. and he does it in a lot of his songs. he just does stupid pointless things. Like in desert Rose, he does that weird sound.
you're probably wondering what the reason is.
He's being blackmailed by the man.
Now I know that sounds outrageous but there is a reason for it being true. Sting and The police have made some of the greatest songs of all time. they just have to be mentioned and a tour gets sold out. for one band to have so much power isnt good for the industry. so they sabotage the songs with crappy post-production parts.
Bastard record companies.
the industry is fuelled so much by conflict.
we can all say how much we hate Justin bieber, but the fact is that we are still talking about, him, tweeting about his, going on youtube to declare our utter hatred to the little fuck. and because of this the record companies have won cos the little penisface is stuck in our heads, and is rotting what is left of our minds, into the mush that is mass media vision.
A little fact about Englishman in New York. it was originally launched without the drums. got no publicity and practically failed to chart.
remixed and had drums added. stings face everywhere. got to number 5.
version without drums would = win.
basically mass media = fags
what I would say though is that Sting and The Police are conceptual and metaphysically awesome, and always will be.
Oh yeah, about me, i guess this is obligatory. im 22, like cars and cheesecake but not together cos that gets sticky, and hate yyour mother.
i work so i can afford to live, and i live to procrastinate, play games and generally be me.
thats all for now.
peace out
Word to your mother
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