Hey guys...
I gonna start by saying that I'm gonna be a bit sporadi with this one. I have a lot on my mind and I just kind of wanna spurt it all out there. No wait. Not spurt, that sounds wrong. I just wanna express it all. Yeah. That sounds middle class enough.
So yesterday night I had a bit of a mini movie marathon. That is, I watched 2 movies back to back. Firstly I watched Remember the Titans, following it up with Field of Dreams. Now I'm sure a lot of you have watched Remember the Titans, and some of you Field of Dreams. In fact a lot of people haven't even heard of Field of Dreams. Now that is a shame, since it is a brilliant, cheesy, emotive and over the top film. I love it to bits for a couple of personal reasons as well as a genuine love for the American Sports Drama. It is the kind of film with just inspirational, lovely, infinitely quotable lines about self belief and glory that really stand the test of time.
Well as I was watching Field of Dreams, it kind of struck me, why aren't there as many of these films anymore?
That is, why aren't there as many feel good, all-american, family sports orientated dramas? Why is it, that I can no longer go to the cinema and watch a non-comedy knowing that it will leave me with a smile on my face and a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart? The only film I've seen this year that generated that feeling for me this year, was Real Steel, a film mocked by one of my friends as being "cheesy american shite".
The thing is, its not as though we as cinema goers have all become miserable old farts; comedies are doing better than ever. In particular, R-rated, or adult comedies, are taking a much larger share of the bocx office than ever. The all-american sports drama is dying. And it is being killed by a brand of cinema, that is in no way as beautiful or emotive of the American Dream.
That's right, Dance movies.
Basically, Hollywood is killing the great American Sports Drama, in order to be more "street". Now I guess that is ok if they are sending the same messages. The Mighty Ducks for example, taught me that you can't erase the past. But you can become better then that and redeem yourself. You Got Served taught me..... not to sleep with my best mates sister. Ok another example, Rocky taught me that it ain't over till it's over, that every dog will have its day and most crucially that somewhere, deep inside Sylvester Stallone, there was once a half decent actor. Step Up taught me.... how not to make a movie.
Maybe its me, but I just cannot get the same universal values from a movie about a bunch of kids dancing like freaks, that I do from underdog tales of people given up on and downtrodden. They inspire and guide me, and they give me hope above all things. A great bit of cinema hits home in your emotional gut, not just you cerebral cortex. If anything, I just think its a shame that Hollywood seems to be forgeting about heart, and focusing on body popping and connecting with the youth.
The main other thing I've been thinking about is time. Not so much in terms of how it runs out or the like, but more how its all relative. For example, recently I was in an emotionally active period with someone(paha how amibgous is that?). At the time I should have acted. But I didn't, and I didn't even realise I should have done for 26 hours, upon with point my reaction was such:
What it got me thinking is, that if I had made that descision, which in retrospect, was definately the right decision, the events of that moment and all those after would have been, to some extent, completely different. For one, I wouldn't have been banging my head against the wall.
In that same respect, how much of our lives come down to these kind of twitch reactions and decisions? The reality of it is, that as einstein said, to each action there is a reaction. So by that, we can say that everything has consequences, fairly simply. What I want you guys to take from that is this:
Life has a habit of throwing a million options to you, yet you only see a few at any one time. Why not take a different one for once, and see where you end up?
Peace out
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